Her Hair Extensions - Body Wave Closure - 4x4- HD lace

  • $110.00
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Each bundle is collected from a single donor and wefted into perfectly coiled bundles. Her Hair Extensions is collected from top of the line donors that have NEVER bleached, dyed, or chemically processed their hair so our customers can get the most value out of their unprocessed hair.

Proper care and routine maintenance will increase the life of the bundles. For longer use, you can contact us to create a machine sewn wig with the hair.

It can be straightened and curled! To make this hair last we highly suggest wearing a silk head wrap or bonnet.

 This hair can still be bleached, dyed and/or straightened. We suggest that you have this done by a licensed professional for best results.

This hair may be able to bleached to #27, honey blonde. We DO NOT recommend attempting to bleach this hair to #613! Be sure to condition the hair weekly (conditioner only) and make sure that you use a wide tooth comb to detangle this hair from root to tip. Please tie your hair down at night using a silk bonnet.